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  • ERC Starting grant awarded to Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro
  • ERC Starting grant awarded to Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro

ERC Starting grant awarded to Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro


An ERC Starting Grant has been awarded to Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro, researcher at ALiCE/LSRE-LCM.

ERC provides long-term funding to support researchers and their research teams in pursuing groundbreaking, high-gain/high-risk research. Scientific excellence is the sole criterion on which European Research Council (ERC) grants are awarded.

Rita's project, entitled ERA-ARE - A new ERA for Environmental Risk Assessment: Chirality as a tool towards environmentally safe pharmaceuticals, aims to understand enantioselectivity of environmental processes that can impact the fate/behaviour of chiral antibiotics, contributing to reduce antibiotic resistance and creating innovative Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) guidelines in the pursuit of safer drugs, thus refashioning the relationship between pharmaceutical industry and the environment. The total budget amounts to 1.5 M€ for a 5 year period.

ALiCE congratulates Rita Lado on this high achievement!